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Kid 11C and Kid 12C Student Open Field Study to Pepper Lunch
The 4th Presentation Skills Workshop for AEP 1 Students
Kid 10B Student Open Field to Choeung Ek Genocidal Center
The 4th Mengly J. Quach Poster Contest Meeting
Class and Sub-class Monitor Meeting
4th Transitional Workshop for Level 12 Students
Class & Sub-class Monitor Meeting
31st Phonetics Workshop
MONEYTREE Academy Sales & Marketing Training
Christmas Rehearsal
New Student Orientation for Year 13 Term 51
New Term Orientation, Year 13 Term 51 and Year 13 Semester 15
Kid 12 and Level 12 Exit Oral Interview for Year 12 Term 50
First Aid Training
Digital Photography Training
Teacher Aide Course Meeting
The end-of-term Potluck for Year 12 Term 50
The 5th United Nations Cultural Festival Day Exhibition Contest Winners
Open Discussion and Sharing Session for National and Expatriate ESL Teachers and CSL Teachers
The 5th Aii United Nations Cultural Festival Rehearsal Day